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A BIG CONGRATS goes out to BYCP Centre Manager and Senior Youth Worker Sean Wright for being awarded the 'Britwell Community Champion' award for over five decades of service to the young people of Britwell! That is five decades EACH, not five decades collectively!  Day in and day out; rain, snow or shine Paula and Sean show up to open and run the youth club to ensure young people are engaged in positive activities and are kept of the streets.  Former youth club members still come back to this day to say hello and to personally thank them both for all of their hard work.  THANK YOU to both Paula and Sean for all that you have and continue to do the community of Britwell!


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The Britwell Youth and Community Project (BYCP) serves the community living on the Britwell Estate. The centre is used primarily for youth related activity but also houses other community groups on a regular basis.

BYCP is supported by Berkshire Youth, which serves the young people of Berkshire, delivering excellent and efficient youth support services for more than 80 years.

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