Dear Parent/Carer,
The Britwell Youth and Community Project (BYCP) are opening for the October half-term on Monday October 26th – Friday October 30th from 12pm – 3pm. (Tuesday and Thursday evening sessions will continue to be open during half-term week and will continue to run unless new government guidelines are introduced).
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, there will be changes when your son/daughter visits the club. One of these changes will be, two separate groups split into categories of age 8 – 11 and 12+. Please note that due to government guidelines there will only be 15 places available per group.
Once a young person is registered to attend they must commit to attending each session because different young people will be unable to attend and take their place upon absence. Each group will have the same staff members throughout this period to ensure that social distancing can be maintained at all times.
Please note that places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis due to the limited numbers permitted on the premises. If you would like your son/daughter to attend please contact the Centre Manager: